Post Natal Exercise Classes
This fun and friendly post-natal class is the perfect place to meet other mums in the Chew Valley area while getting back into shape. Our post-natal fitness instructor Louise Wiseman will design a tailor-made fitness program and workout to help you feel fitter, stronger and rejuvenated. Lou is a mum herself and can relate to your needs.
Please contact Lou before you join the class to get a copy of the post-natal specific health questionnaire and to ask any questions. Please contact her on 07919 416927 or email

To download the post-Natal Flyer, please click HERE

Bring your baby along to a relaxed environment and enjoy the benefits of a post-natal workout at your own pace on Wednesdays at 9.3am then come for brunch or coffee at Yeo Valley’s canteen after for a chance to chat and socialize with other mums. Book via the Teamup website.
Questions & Answers
6 weeks is the general guideline
Start with gentle exercise like walking at first. Post-natal pilates is ideal for the early days of getting into exercise and targets the pelvic floor and deeper abdominal muscles. Listen to your body and don’t try to do too much too soon!
We have Post-natal strength and fitness on Wednesdays at 9.30am with Louise Wiseman for those wanting to get back into shape, improve fitness and strength. You can join any of Lynne Joyner’s pilates classes too but unfortunately not with your baby! Please book via the website.
Post-natal exercise is important to not only target the muscles that have been affected by childbirth but with the added mental health benefits of meeting other new mums, making new friends with the bonus of Yeo Valley’s beautiful canteen to relax and socialise.